Water Contamination Safety

When it rains it pours. With the recent flooding due to excessive rain, North Texas has been experiencing problems with structural damage and also water contamination. Flooding causes water to spill in areas where chemicals, sewage, waste, and all other types unsafe materials flow into residential areas and then seeps into the ground and into your plumbing. Your tap water is instantly tainted and become unsafe to drink. If you are unsure about whether or not your water is safe to drink or what you should do, follow these practical tips below or contact the Denton plumbers at Brown & Sons for professional advice. Whatever you do, don’t risk you and your family’s health by drinking the water.

Cause of Contaminated Water

Although flooding in Denton alone is one of the primary causes of contaminated drinking water, there are causes which may or may not be caused by rain and flooding. This may include a water mainline bursting, an extended heat wave, power failure, or chemicals spilling into the water system. Major flooding in a centralized area can trigger any of these other events. Before you turn your water back on, then contact your local city or look online to find out if any bans have been lifted.

Reserve Water

It is always a good idea to have clean bottled water on hand for any type of emergency. You should have enough bottled water to last you and your family several days. Keep water that is dedicated for consumption separate from all other water uses and never mix clean water with any water that might be contaminated or used for anything else.  Find out what the local water distribution points are in your town in the event of an emergency.

Boil Your Water

Heat water on high until it comes to a rolling boil. Leave it a rolling boil for at least 1 minute. This will kill all microscopic organisms in the water. This should be done if you are using water to prepare beverages, water, wash clothing or fruit, freeze water, or using it for washing or brushing your teeth. The basic rule of thumb is to purify any water that is used for personal contact internally or externally. If there is a water ban in your city or district, then it’s best to use bottled water for drinking.

Some Basic Guidelines for Flooding

Most city water, a.k.a. water that comes to your home via a system is still drinkable even in the event of flooding. This is not guaranteed, however, so make sure and check with local authorities before you drink water after a major flood. If you drink water from a private well, then you need to take extra precautions before drinking the water after a flood. Make sure all objects have been removed. Pour bleach into the well according to the size of your well and the contamination done. Clean the well casing if possible.

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